The LH Ovulation Midstream Rapid Test (Urine) is a rapid chromatographic immunoassay for the qualitative detection of luteinizing hormone (LH) in urine to determine the time of ovulation.
For in vitro diagnostic purposes only.
- process control through integrated control line area
- Result can be read within 3 minutes
- accuracy of over 99%
- Sensitivity: 40mlU/ml
Article number: 1500
Packaging: 25 Midstream Rapid Tests per box
LH Ovulation Midstream Rapid Test (Urine)
First file
Second file
Third file
Rabatt(ab) 25 E= 9%, 50 E= 21%, 100E= 30%,200E=40%
Determine the day on which the test should begin.
(See user manual)Prepare for the test.
Allow the test package to reach room temperature before opening. Remove the Midstream Test from the sealed package and use as soon as possible.Perform test.
- Remove the protective cap and place it over the thumb grip.
- Hold the Midstream Test by the thumb grip with the exposed absorbent tip facing down.
- Hold the absorbent tip directly in your urine stream for at least 15 seconds until it is completely soaked.
Note: Avoid urinating on the test and control window. - Alternatively, you can urinate into a clean, dry container and immerse only the absorbent tip of the Midstream Test in the urine for 15 seconds.
After urine collection:
- Immediately replace the protective cap over the absorbent tip.
- Place the Midstream Test on a flat surface with the test and control window facing up.
- Start the timing and wait 3 minutes.
Observe the testing process:
While the test is running, you may notice a bright color flow across the test and control window.Read results:
- Read the results after 3 minutes.
- If no result appears, wait an additional minute.
- Important: Do not interpret the results after more than 10 minutes.